Welcome to LeakDB!

LeakDB is a database of all known warez leaks of PC operating systems. You can browse all the entries below, or use the search function to look for a particular entry.

Please note that more entries are constantly added to the list. If you have information to contribute, please contact me (contact info on the krnl386.com homepage).

Confirmed Operating system Version Edition Language Date Parts Filename(s) Fix filename(s) Leaked by NFO Notes
Windows 98 Second Edition4.10.2170AN/AEnglish1999-03-2744PFTW98**.ZIPPFTW98FX.ZIPPFT
Windows 98 Second Edition4.10.2183AN/AEnglish1999-05-0689W98SEF**.ZIPUnknown
Windows 98 Second Edition4.10.2183AN/AUnknownGLoW
Windows Cairo4.0.1175.1ServerEnglish1995-12-0561CAIPWA**.ZIPPWA
Windows for Workgroups*.ZIPUnknown
Windows for Workgroups 3.1Beta 1N/AEnglish1992-05-078W4WG*-8.ZIPUnknown
Windows for Workgroups*ECR.ZIPECR
Windows for Workgroups*.ZIPECR
Windows for Workgroups*.ZIPTAG
Windows for Workgroups*.ZIPUnknown